For More Information
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To become a participant for the next Competition Cycle (starting July 2024) you must meet all criteria as shown below:
- Miss Indiana 18-28 – must be 18 by state competition, and no older than 27 at state competition
- Miss Indiana’s Teen 14-18 – must be 14 by state competition and no older than 18 at state competition.
- Be a United States citizen
- Be a female
- Meet residency requirements for competing in your city or state
Are you ready to compete?
To compete in the Miss Indiana Scholarship Competition, a contestant must first win a local competition. Some locals are open and some have specific geographic eligibility requirements, based on where you live, attend school full-time, or work full-time.
Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility
- Miss Indiana 18-28 – must be 18 by state competition, and no older than 27 at state competition
- Miss Indiana’s Teen 14-18 – must be 14 by state competition and no older than 18 at state competition.
Step 2: Register to Compete
- Click here to begin your journey.
Step 3: Register to Compete in the Miss America Opportunity
Step 4: Find a Local Competition
Areas of Competition:
- Private Interview: Each candidate participates in an individual 10-minute press conference-style interview with our panel of judges. There are typically 5 judges on a panel. Candidates are asked questions about their background as presented on their fact sheet, their educational and career goals, their opinions on current events and social issues, and their interests, hobbies, and extracurricular activities.
- Talent: Contestant perform a 90-second routine of their own choosing. Some possible talents include all types of singing, dancing, gymnastics, instrumental music, dramatic or comedy monologues, baton twirling, and ventriloquism.
- Evening Gown: Each contestant appears on stage in an outfit of her own choosing, representative of what she would wear to a formal, black-tie social event. Pantsuits, cocktail dresses, and evening gowns are all appropriate for this phase of the competition.
- Fitness: Contestants will model their Rebel Athletic apparel to show the judging panel their commitment to their personal fitness and wellness. Rebel apparel can be purchased from the official Miss America collection.
- On-State Interview: Each contestant will be asked one or two questions written by the judges about her Community Service Initiative.
What paperwork will be required?:
- Fact Sheet
- Community Service Initiative
- Local Contestant Contract